Over the past few years, I have engaged in teaching courses covering a wide array of topics.
University of California, Davis
In Summer 2023, I was an Instructor of Record for the course "Industrial Organization" (ECN 121A).
In Summer 2024, I was an Instructor of Record for the course "Intermediate Microeconomics" (ECN 100A).
[Overall teaching effectiveness as an associate instructor: 4.2/5]
I have also been a Teaching Assistant in the Economics department for the following courses:
Principles of Microeconomics (1A): Prof. David Rapson (Fall 2019), Christina Sun (Summer 2022), Prof. Janine Lynn Flathmann Wilson (Winter 2022)
Intermediate Microeconomics (100A): Prof. Andre Boik (Winter 2020), Prof. James Bushnell (Spring 2020, Fall 2020), Prof. David Lang (Spring 2022, Winter 2024)
Intermediate Microeconomics (100B): Prof. Arman Rezaee (Winter 2023)
Industrial Organization (121A): Prof. Andre Boik (Spring 2021), Prof. Shahar Sansani (Fall 2023, Spring 2024)
Industrial Organization (121B): Prof. Erich Muehlegger (Winter 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2022)
Game Theory (122) : Kalyani Chaudhuri (Summer 2022)
Energy Economics (125) : Prof. James Bushnell (Spring 2023)
International Microeconomics (160A) : Prof. Dan Liu (Summer 2021)
[Overall teaching effectiveness as a teaching assistant*: 4.2/5]
*Average Overall Teaching Effectiveness for Economics TAs at UCD = 3.9
Students Evaluations
Below are a few selected excerpts from my teaching evaluations.
'I think Irina is a phenomenal TA. Her office hours are very helpful and she responds very quickly to emails, even on the weekends. She is very nice to speak to and never pressures students when they don't understand a topic. I think Irina is a large reason why I did well in this course. I will miss having her as a TA'
'Irina is absolutely one of the best TA's in the econ department. She is very responsive to questions and is very thorough in her answers. She is a phenomenal help and is a key reason to my success in the course.'
'Irina is an incredible TA, who can make the most complex material seem intuitive. Her expertise in this subject matter helped to bridge so many gaps in my understanding of the material and has continued to help me achieve the success I have attained in this class. Although there is a wide variety of material in this course, her section and office hours were great resources to get a grasp of everything in this course.'
'Irina is meant to be an instructor. They are so helpful, understands the material to an amazing degree. They created examples that actually helped me learn the material with a great deal of understanding. They evolved the course far beyond the lectures and textbook.'
'It is evident during discussions that Irina has a deep, genuine understanding of the material. She even had to teach us about material we didn't see in class yet, but she did it so well and made it easy to understand! She always encourages us to ask questions and I felt comfortable to do so in her discussions'
'This course with the team of Professor Muehlegger and TA Irina is one of my favorite courses I have ever taken. Although I was already interested in the subject matter before taking this course, possibly resulting in a slight bias, this course continued to inspire me to learn more about this subject matter and both the professor and ta were always available to help. Having econometric techniques in this course provided a new challenge, but also new learnings and I thought it was implemented incredibly well, in a way that allowed me to develop the understanding of data analysis as well as industrial organization. With this introduction in econometrics, I have been inspired.'
'Once again, Irina is an absolutely amazing TA. They are so good at their job I am almost disappointed that this will be my last economics course and I will not have them as a TA again.'